
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Host Kelley Vick interviews Tess about the spark behind Dawnland, the source of her characters, the role of the natural landscape, and her writing and publishing journey. They discuss the interplay between writing and meditation, including a Carl Jung method called Active Imagination, and developing an inner barometer for whether beta reader feeder resonates or not. For anyone interested, here are links to items mentioned in the interview, she short story “In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried” by Amy Hempel, and the music videos “Movement” and “DeSelby Part 2″ by Hozier, which brilliantly display characters at war with themselves. The conversation ends with advice for aspiring writers. Listen on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.

Writer's Digest Tess Callahan

WRITER’S DIGEST AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT:Trust Your Instincts.” In this Writer’s Digest Author Spotlight hosted by Robert Lee Brewer, Tess discusses surprises in the writing, editing, and publishing journey of her new novel, Dawnland. She answers questions about what she hopes readers will get out of the book, and offers advice for aspiring writers.

Writer's Digest Tess Callahan

AUTHOR CONFESSIONS: Author Brooke Lea Foster interviews Tess in “Author Confessions” about the compression of setting a novel in one week, the challenge of writing highly emotional scenes, toughest moments in the writing/publishing process, and similarities and differences between Dawnland and Catherine Newman’s captivating new novel, Sandwich.

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Interviewed by Jigisha Patel of the KPL Podcast, I had the pleasure of exploring how nature plays a dynamic role in my new novel, Dawnland. We discussed the power of the ocean, the human impact on whale song, and the presence of sharks as a sign of a healthy ecosystem. I mention several books I’ve recently enjoyed, including Foster by Claire Keegan, Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and a book with a similar premise to Dawnland, Sandwich by Catherine Newman. You can tune in on Apple, Amazon Music, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Deborah Kalb asks Tess what prompted her to return to her characters April and Oliver, how they evolved from one novel to the next, how Dawnland changed from its initial conception to final fruition, and what she is working on now. Read the interview here.
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Screenwriter Marshal Zeringue asks Tess about the meaning of her title and character names, what her teenage self would think of Dawnland, her rewriting of beginnings and endings, and if her characters resemble herself. The conversation ends with an exploration of the non-literary inspirations for Dawnland.Read the interview here.
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Screenwriter Marshal Zeringue asks Tess who should play the roles of April and Oliver in a movie version of Dawnland, who should direct and produce it, and why. This is a fun one!
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Screenwriter Marshal Zeringue asks Tess if readers randomly open Dawnland to page 69, would they get a good (or inaccurate) idea of the whole novel? This “test” grows out of an observation attributed to Marshall McLuhan, the guru of The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), who recommended that book browsers turn to page 69 of any book and read it. If they like that page, buy and read the book. It so happens that page 69 of Dawnland brings the reader into the middle of a heated argument. Take a look here!

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: “From Dreams to Dawnland”: A Joyful Rebellion podcast host James Walters interviews Tess about writing, creativity, meditation, navigating life’s challenges, connecting with the natural world, and creating a life of love. This is a conversation of deep exploration and abundant joy. Listen on  Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Online for Authors podcast host Teri M. Brown interviews Tess about the writing life and her new novel Dawnland. Listen on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Interviewed by Joe Dimino of Neon Jazz Radio & Interviews, I had the pleasure of exploring post-pandemic paradigms, the influence of forest bathing, inspirations Amy Hempel, Miles Davis & Hozier, and a fierce childhood vow I made (and broke) after reading Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty. View the interview here on YouTube or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Qwerty Interview Tess Callahan

QWERTY MAGAZINE, Author Interview, This interview explores writing process, writer’s block and procrastination, and the successful use of constraints to unleash creativity.